Sapulpa's Route 66 Christmas chute

New for 2024, we’re introducing the Merry Market! A special shopping event taking place on two separate Saturdays during the Route 66 Christmas Chute season. Interested in being a part of this market? Let us know by filling out this form! We will send your application at a later date. Filling out this form does not mean you will be a vendor at Sapulpa’s Route 66 Christmas Chute Merry Market.

Sign up for the Merry Market!

Check out these FAQs

Frequently Asked Question

Got a question? We’ve got you covered! Check out the resources below and be sure to let us know if we can answer anything else.

Can I sign up for one or both Saturdays?

You can sign up for one or both, but nothing is guaranteed. We will let you know if you’re approved for one or both Saturday Merry Market Days.

What kind of vendors are you looking for?

We’re looking for vendors of all kinds, but all vendors will go through an application process and be subject to the approval of the Merry Market Committee. Vendors must not need electricity to sell their products.

How big is the vendor space?

Vendors may have 10’x10′ or 12’x12′ canopy tent, but it must be a solid white tent.

How much will it cost to be a vendor?

Merry Market vendors are charged $100 per day.

Where will the Market be located?

At the Creek County Courthouse parking lot, attached right to the route 66 Christmas Chute! Each approved vendor will get one of 50 available spaces.

How many Vendors are allowed?

The Merry Market will have 50 available vendor spaces that will be assigned to approved vendors. Vendors may or may not be able to work both Saturdays.