What is the Christmas Chute?

Two years in the making, the Route 66 Christmas Chute is the brainchild of a group of business owners and city officials to bring families to downtown Sapulpa to enjoy a unique, walkable Christmas experience. Walk historic Route 66 under 800-foot-long canopies filled with Christmas ornaments and decor in ten magical Christmas themes. With events every weekend, pop-up shops, restaurants, and downtown retailers, the Route 66 Christmas Chute is sure to become a holiday destination!

Will the Christmas Parade still go down Route 66!

Yes! The Sapulpa Chamber Christmas Parade will be held on December 14th and will still travel down Dewey Avenue as it always has. Last year, the parade went down the Chute for the first time and it was such a great experience they decided to keep it that way!

How long will the street be closed?

Dewey Avenue (Route 66) will be closed from October 26th through the end of the year for the Christmas Chute. Construction begins October 26th and is expected to take roughly two weeks. The Route 66 Christmas Chute will officially open on November 14th during Sapulpa’s annual “Lights On!” event, officially launching the holiday season for Sapulpa!

What about parking?

Downtown Sapulpa has over 1,000 publicly-available parking spots in the area. The Christmas Chute removes the sixty parallel parking spaces that are on Dewey Avenue between Main and Elm Streets. All side street parking and public parking lots are still available, including handicapped parking. To see a map of street parking and parking lots, go here.

Are these Structures Permanent?

No, they will be removed after the first of the year and put in storage until the next holiday season.

How was this project funded?

In 2022, no tax dollars were used to fund this project; it was completely funded by private donations from businesses and Sapulpa citizens! Because of the enormous economic success of the Chute’s first year, the City of Sapulpa gave the Chute Committee $250,000 to bring the Chute back for the 2023 season. You can donate to the Christmas Chute here.